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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Note for Essay

Necessity of Unity
-we need vocabulary that can unify some fields that is divided unreasonably.
(body-mind, physical health-mental wellness or logical solidness, individual-relationships, quality of life-ecology-economy...)

Ex) When we evaluate our economic activities, we have only evaluation by quantity. (This is very unnatural because there is no such thing as monotone value in biology)
We need a new way to perceive and evaluate by criteria (ex: how we cooperate with mother earth)

-how we live with unavoidable suffering
-how we relate with other people with unavoidable conflict without war
-how we live in symbiosis with nature in unavoidable need to exploit and possess some parts of resource
These three are same one question must be thought in one context..

Unity will provide us...
-aesthetic moving
-modesty to nature including one's body
-consideration for who are different

Means for Unity
-we need a way to see the world directly
-"Yoga is "direct" participation in Reality itself"
what does this statement exactly mean?

Technology of Hatha Yoga
-the way we directly participate in Life as Life. (body moves for its breath),(A participates in A)
-the methodology complicated enough to fit the reality and one can easily practice (without complicated thinking)
ex) polarity of inhalation and exhalation provides us a way to overcome fundamental difficulties/paradox(double-bind) such as "ahimsa"(nonviolence) and "satya"(honesty), "aparigrah"(not to possess) and to keep living(to possess at least essential resource)...

-dynamic self-study(tapas-svadhyaya Y.S2-1)
and to accept that we are limited (isvarapranidana)

Steps for practice
savitarka samapatti → nirvitarka samapatti
-we can start practicing with biased preconception in verbal level
(if we absorb in it, the bias will dissolve)

Desikachar's translation (Y.S1-2)
"to go in your chosen direction" , then the mind's fluctuation is reduced

what is thought to be right?(Y.S1-7)
pratiyaksa(direct perception), anumana(inference), agama (words of reliable person)
-epistemology of each individual

then Y.S1-49
to overcome what is heard or inferred

Methodology not to state
- division of sadhana (what can be actually done) and Siddhi (what is given)
not to bring objection

-vinyasa krama (to follow the order)
a way to persist on what to do right now

Where Magic happens
-"sraddha" how do we trust/love someone?
where we cannot explain

-Education of Yoga
"Is there anything or anything, or just shall we gossip?"
"Is there any burning questions?"
a guide to make students go in their own direction (nirodha)

Construction and Deconstruction
abhayasa-vairagya (Y.S 1-12)
to unite/ to become chaotic (=to live in entropy)
-after constructing perspective, we soon go back to actual practice

not to be destroyed by one "good" habit...

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